Application can be submitted by any person who desires to avail Revised Fire Safety Recommendation for residential or commercial property.
Document Requirement
Key Location Plan(1:4000)*
Site Plan(1:600)*
Section Elevation Plan*
Typical Building Plan*
Structured Drawings*
Roof Plan(1:100)*
F.A.R. calculation showing Details of Area*
F.A.R. calculation showing Calculation of Parking Area*
Area Statement*
Other Supporting Documents
Applicants Proof of Identity (Aadhaar / Passport / Voter ID)
Proof of Power of Attorney*
Copy of the Last FSR / RFSR issued by the Department*
Master Plan Drawing*
Floor Plan(1:100)*
Legal Ownership Document/ Registered Deed*
Building Completion Certificate*
Pan Card of the Firm and Owner(s)
Previous RFSR
Payment Requirement
Catagory A : Residential Building over 14.5metre height, educational institution, Dharamsala, library, museum, art gallery Rs. 4.35/- per sq m of the floor area of the building.
Catagory B : Hospital, Nursing home, Research Centre, telephone exchange, guest house, hotel up to three-star category, restaurant without bar facilities,decorators, laboratories Rs. 6.52/- per sq m of the floor area of the building.
Catagory C : Port, airport hangers, airport terminal building, places of public entertainment, restaurants having bar facilities, shopping complex, office, markets, katras, automobile workshops, power generating and distribution center, underground structures, major electrical installation, hotel above three star category, covered car parking area; Rs. 8.70/- per sq m of the floor area of the building
Catagory D : Outlets of Hazardous substances, fire-works manufacturing units, storage and manufacturing area of explosives, premises for storing hazardous, substances, underground transit system oil installation, petrochemicals and oil refineries Rs. 13.05/- per sq m of the floor area of the building.
Note :
Measurement of floor area shall be the product of entire length and breadth of all the floors of the building.
For mixed occupancy building, the building shall be treated as such category of building which covers more than 50% of the entire occupied area and fees shall be calculated on that basis.
Steps to Upload Legacy data for obtaining Fire Safety Recommendation Click here
Acceptance Criteria
I hereby authorise the approving authority of the applied service to view my Aadhaar and other personal information as provided during submission of application.